Post workout on monday!
The quest for perfection means that you will have to make some sacrifices to get yourself there. If perfection is a 400lbs deadlift, but your current state is a 100lbs deadlift, continually trying to lift 400lbs is way beyond your means. Taking small gradual steps to get to your goal, and being honest with yourself will be the best thing for long term success.
I have been hunting for my first location and I've quickly realized that perfection isn't going to happen. I'm fairly sure that I'm going to have a 90% solution. I've decided that a 90% solution now is better than looking for something that doesn't exist. I will give everyone an update when I know more.
I want to know what your looking for in YOUR gym.
Post personal fitness priorities, and times that you would like to train. feel free to post anonymously, the more that post the more I will have to work with.
I'm looking at making different classes based on fitness ability, so there will be a crossfit test to make it into each new level. thoughts????