As promised Steve and I completed the werewolf wod under full moon...there was heavy cloud cover so I believe some the the moons powers to have been shielded somewhat. Steve got a little over excited and forgot to stick to form on lifting the heaviest object, the 100lbs plate! He beaned himself in the head pretty good, but with the clock still running we managed to tie off with decent pressure and stop the bleeding and finish the last cycle of the WOD. We then carried out immediate first aid but it seemed to be all sealed up, and this will be a workout Steve wont soon forget!.
amateurs reading this at home, Steve and I are trained professionals... do not attempt to become a werewolf without the direct supervision of a crossfit instructor!
but seriously come on out, have fun first, get fit... and remember that everything is scalable to ALL levels... (I train my mother in crossfit, soon I will let her loose against the boy's)